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  • St Anne’s School Values

    Leo Love whizzes around our community on his super skates. As he travels, he spreads god’s love. He listens gently to the people he meets and offers care to those who need it.

    Polite Leo remembers to say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ as he knows that ‘Manners Matter’. His twinkling helmet reminds others to use these respectful words too.

    If Leo makes a mistake, or a poor choice, he owns his actions. He asks for forgiveness and always forgives others. He would never hold a grudge against someone, but lets them float away like butterflies.

    Leo is wobbly on his skates sometimes and this reminds him to always be balanced and equal in his words and actions. He doesn’t judge others but remembers we are all god’s children. His belief keeps him steady on his road through life.

    Leo loves learning. He knows that by trying hard at school he can share his incredible knowledge and gifts with the world around him.

    He puts all the things he learns into his beautiful, bulging basket. He loves to see how full it is getting as he learns new things.

    Cazembe Courage is not afraid to take a new challenge in his learning. His odd shoes remind him to take a step out of his comfort zone.

    His antennae quiver with pride as he takes a bold step and accomplishes a task he was nervous about.

    If he spots a mistake he’s made whilst trying something new, he doesn’t hide it away but adds it to his wonderful spotty wings.  He knows we all make mistakes when we’re learning.

    All his attempts, mistakes and successes strengthen his wings and help his knowledge reach to new heights. He’s a leader in his community and will stand up for the rights of others.

    He encourages others to be brave too, helps them to speak up into his microphone and share their experiences and beliefs. He listens carefully to what they have to say, even if he doesn’t agree.

    Although he is only small, his beliefs power him to be courageous. He might feel anxious at times, but he asks for help if he needs it, and remembers to be resilient. He might encounter knocks as he travels through life, but he waves his special flag and will never give up.

    His antennae focus on his next learning adventure and he lifts up high in the sky.

    Carrie Creativity tucks in her pouch all the wonderful information she hears, sees and learns. She fills it with skills to fuel her creativity and power up her ideas.

    Carrie loves working on her own but also knows that something magical can happen when she works as a team. New, unexpected sparkling thoughts can appear!

    She’s always on the move, exploring new creative challenges and using her imagination to unlock new possibilities. Look at her unique markings – they’re question marks!

    She loves to look for solutions, experiment and learn new things.

    With a bold skip, she takes new leaps in her learning and creativity.

    Her skipping rope unleashes all the colours of the rainbow to those around her. Its shimmering rays encourage them to be shining with new ideas too.

    With a swoosh of her wonderful paintbrush tail, she uses her gift ofcreativity to spread happiness every day into the world around her.

    Her imagination lifts her higher in our world of wonder.

    Ulani Unity is a hard-working value. She understands that her actions can make an enormous difference to the community around her.

    She wraps her kindness scarf around anyone who needs her support, shows them they belong, and always remembers to think of others before herself.

    She makes sure, everyone is included and no one is left out. She carefully protects her prized possession; a globe.

    She knows we are part of one world, under one god, and she has an important part to play.

    Her vibrant sleeves are woven from the patterns and stories she hears within her community.

    They weave together to make a strong, unique tapestry.

    You’ll often find Ulani Unity in the garden with her friends.

    By working with others and taking turns, they grow stronger together – just like her flowers.

    As she prays for others and lends a helping hand, her flowers bloom and grow in the most incredible colours.