Our School Council are an important part of Pupil Leadership group.
The School Council at St Anne’s consists of one representative from each class from Y1 to Y6. The School Council are led by the Executive Committee comprised of a Chair person, a Vice Chair, a Secretary and Vice Secretary (these roles are held by Y5 or Y6 pupils). Class representatives are voted by their class.
School Council meet to discuss a variety of issues in relation to school, including ways to improve; ways to raise money for the school, ways to raise money for charity and to think about ways we can work in the wider community and local environment.
Previous key focus areas and notable successes for the School Council:
- Being involved with the ‘Team London Young Ambassadors Programme’ which is an initiative introduced by the Mayor of London after the 2012 Olympic Games. This is a volunteering programme for schools which encourages children and young people to take action to improve their local area.
- Supporting the organisation of one of the main events of the school year, the ‘Valentine’s Day Disco’. School Council decided that monies raised from this event go to a homeless charity.
- Successfully creating partnerships with local shopkeepers to create ‘Safe Havens’ where children can go and ask for help if they feel unsafe.
- Creating a ‘Peace Cloth’ where our children collaborated with other children to collect hand prints representing peace across London Borough of Lambeth.
- Hosting a Meeting with the Police Commissioner and other cluster schools where they informed him of concerns that they had in their community.
- Organising First Aid training for Year 5 pupils.